Frequently Asked Questions

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority

If you don’t avail any service after provided technician reaches at your doorstep then you only have to pay the visiting charge which is BDT 200.

No. We do not manufacture machine parts by ourselves. So, the warranty differs as per manufacturer. However, we give you 7 days of free service warranty.

A desktop service is a software program that runs in the background on your computer, typically without a user interface. It performs specific tasks or provides ongoing functionality without requiring your constant interaction.

In the event that you benefit no administrations for your AC after our Service Provider send a specialist very close to home then you just need to pay the visiting charge which is BDT 200.

Obviously not! After help culmination you will get a text on your portable from then you need to pay through Online or Cash on Delivery.

Our professional Service Providers have Senior Technician and talented Engineer. On the off chance that they happen any harms to your Product during repairing you will get compensation pay after legitimate examination. Nonetheless, your objection for any pre-harmed issues won't be thought of.

No. We do not manufacture parts by ourselves. So, the warranty differs as per Manufacturer. Be that as it may, we can allow you 7 days free service warranty.


Unquestionably, You can purchase vital and required materials/parts without help from anyone else. But any operational